Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Maternity shoot and False alarms

I have never wanted to be that woman who goes screaming to the hospital every week leading up to the due date, but so far I have been. My husband and I went in to L&D this morning at 3am because my timed contractions were 3-5 min apart, but I wasn't any more dilated than I was last week, when I went in because I thought my water had broken. I seriously hate not knowing when she is coming and having to just sit around and wait for things to get worse. We still have a camping trip that we are planning in 2 days and now I just hope we get through that without her coming, because I don't want to be an hour away from the hospital and have to rush back. I know she may not come early. She may even come really late, but for the most part I just want her to come.

I do feel slightly bad because while we were on our way to the hospital I could only think one thing... I have a photo shoot tomorrow with my husband and I really want to complete that before she gets here. I was sort of relieved that I wasn't any further along, because then I wouldn't have any maternity photos.
The photo shoot went really well though, I know I am going to love the outcome. I know we are ready for her and we can't wait to meet her, but I did want those photos first.
So, I have been looking up poses for my maternity shoot coming up and I have a photographer friend (whom I have mentioned in the past, she gave me the props lady's info) she is someone I admire as a photographer. So, I went to her page for some ideas and this is one of her photos.

I just hope my photo shoot turns out this good.

So right after this camping trip is the perfect time... I'm just letting you know when is best for me Lord! hehe
I will post them when I get them back from the photographer.


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